Of all the words in the English dictionary, independent would best describe me. Doing things bass-ackwards from the rest of the world has always been my pinnacle. From the time I took center stage in a beauty pageant, walking on in the wrong direction from the rest of the participants—to choosing the hardest thing to make in Home Economics first instead of last—to messing up the sequence of my cue cards in a debate speech and having to ad lib it, I knew I was different.

Why should publishing my first novel be anything but?

It was an easy decision for me to take the Indie route. When I finally found my Round Tuit, and actually produced a completed book, the publishing world had changed.

   By way of explanation, my famous last words whenever talking to a friend about wanting to write a book, I would say, “I just never got around to it.” So she gave me one like the picture above, and informed me with a huge smile that now I had no excuse.

There are still rules and regulations that must be followed when publishing an E-Book. The instructions are provided in the guidelines of whatever venue you decide to use, whether it be an E-Pub or a Mobi file. Let me go one step further and say that however precise these instructions are, if you’re like me (technically-challenged is putting it mildly), a good e-book editor can come in handy for doing the conversion process. There are literally scads of them out there. Google electronic book conversion services and you can find a plethora, from the shockingly expensive ones to a price that is within reason.

One such service of interest is Milverstead Publishing, LLC. I was particularly impressed to see that they donate five dollars of every sale they make to a charity.

With that being said, and getting back to the independent me, I am on a mission to glean whatever knowledge I can from the different software packages that do the conversion process, with Calibre being first on the list. To paraphrase Han Solo, “May the force be with me.” 

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